More and more seniors seem to be looking for alternative travel accommodation options. Today you have bed & breakfasts, Airbnb, Couch-surfing, hostels, refugios, and college campuses. Old people should ask a few questions and consider what they will be comfortable with. Since I turned 60, I have stayed in Airbnb’s,  bed & breakfasts, hostels, refugios, houses and condos all arranged for in advance and at a distance, usually on websites. I have a few suggestions.

1. Will there be other guests? Are you comfortable sharing the facilities with strangers? Is the owner on premises?

2. Are there stairs? Does this give you a problem? Railings, carpeting, clutter?

3. Private bath? Do you have your own bathroom in your room? Does a bathroom outside your room have  a secure lock? How many people use it?

4. Clean? You don’t need too  much of someone else’s dirt at your age.

5. Kitchen? Can you cook? Store food? How many are cooking/cleaning at the same time?

6. How many people are you sharing with? Will you be comfortable?

7. Security? Bedroom? Bath? Entry doors?

8. Parking? Room for all the cars or do you have to walk in the dark?

9. Heating and cooling?

10. Access to  owner/manager?

11. TV? Radio?

12. Towels/linens?

13. Bedside lights?

14. WiFi? Password?

15. Surroundings? Restaurants/pharmacy/urgent care/transportation/??

16. Photos – on webpage?

17.  Comments on web page – read these and look for the negative ones.

18. Cork screw – Did you ever try to open a bottle of wine without one? Glasses, plates, silver, sharp knife, can-opener?

REMEMBER: You are old. You are interested in Comfort/Convenience/Security. You don’t want to stay in a place where you are uncomfortable.


1. Check out the web page.

2. Call the owner/manager and go over the specifics that are important to you.

3. Google Map the place – check out what is around there.

4. Say no if you feel uncomfortable; just don’t book.

5. Hope for the best!

Always have  a PLAN B!