AARP Defensive driving course – a benefit for old people!

People my age received their driver’s license 65 years ago; which was the last time they reviewed the laws and driver “best practices.” For the last 65 years, we have just coasted – have not taken a driver’s license exam and have not reviewed the laws. Our biggest worry is the eye exam.

The AARP offers a Smart Driver course; either on-line or at a 4 hour class.

We recently took the course in a four hour class at the local senior center. While we expected to be bored, it was informative and at least made us think. It costs $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-members.

The best ideas we could relate to.

  1. Having a blind side mirror.
  2. Only making right turns if possible, which delivery services such as Federal Express practice; not because their drivers are old, but because of the savings in time and gas costs.
  3. Learning about roundabouts.
  4. The safety devices on new cars, including back-up cameras, blind side beeps, and several more. Beware, that these can also be confusing and distracting if you are old. They take getting used to.
  5. Timing lights at intersections.
  6. Stopping distances and following distances.
  7. Fog lines.
  8. Left and right mirror settings.
  9. Not pulling into the intersection while making a left turn.
  10. Seat adjustment for airbag protection.
  11. Steering wheel hand position adjustment; not 10 and 2, but 9 and 3. This protects your hands from the airbag in case of a crash.
  12. Anti-lock brake system.
  13. Lane markings.
  14. Space cushion around your car.
  15. Distractions.

Then of course, if you take the course, your insurance company will give you a break; anywhere from 7.5% to 15%; which more than pays for the course. I think it also useful for you to have a record that you took the course. You never know when that may come in handy.

You might also want to check out Or,; or, whatever source your state has.

REMEMBER, you are OLD,  and you will be described as “elderly” or worse in any police report or newspaper article.


THINK OLD!                DRIVE OLD!