geezer’s BACKYARD??

As you grow older, travel sometimes becomes more difficult.  You are not ready to drive across the country; not to mention foreign travel, where you might die. You worry about renting a car and your liability. And, airline flights are really a problem. Carry-on luggage! Early/late flights. The hassle of security. The cost. Cramped seats. Your eating/sleeping habits interrupted.  Sometimes it is just too much.

And internationally, Medicare does not work. And, what if you get sick, run out of medicine, fall, die, etc. Fear, fear, fear!

I am not advocating not travelling; and, certainly I would be the last to give up international travel, even if my return trip is in a box.

However, don’t forget your own backyard.  In your own state you can find a hundred places to visit that you passed up or forgot; and, you can find a number of ways to get there without a lot of hassle. Most are driveable in a short time; even in large states such as New Mexico and Arizona.

I will take you on a tour of my backyard with trips around New Mexico and Arizona.  This is my backyard;  big, but manageable.

The goal is to search out interesting and unusual places that we, as “old people” might find interesting. These are places that will give us topics of conversation.

My goal is to visit places that interest me, and sometimes, my wife. I will provide you with search terms that you can apply to your own backyard and will search out tips for you as a senior. I will also view places acceptable to grandkids.

Anyway, I have lived in New Mexico for almost 50 years and there are large parts of it I have not seen, or experienced. Places new and very, very old.

I don’t want to forget why I came here; Philmont Scout Ranch in 1954, the diverse population, the extremes in poverty and education, the extremes in geography, and the laid-back lifestyle.These all seem even more important to me now as I approach 74.


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