Posted: January 20, 2013 Filed under: GAG (Grandparents Against Guns) 2 Comments »By Nancy Tipton / on Sun, Jan 20, 2013
Breaking: Five Dead in South Valley Shooting
A male juvenile is in custody this morning following a shooting in the South Valley that left five people dead.
In an email from Bernalillo County officials, a shooting took place on Long Lane SW Saturday evening. Deputies were dispatched and found an adult male, an adult female and three children dead.
All victims appeared to have suffered multiple gunshot wounds. Multiple weapons appeared to have been used including an assault-type rifle. The investigation is ongoing and the identities of the victims have not been release, officials said.
A male juvenile is in custody and is being charged with two counts of murder, and three counts of child abuse resulting in death.
Posted: January 13, 2013 Filed under: GAG (Grandparents Against Guns) Leave a comment »GAG (Grandparents Against Guns) has focused on grandchildren, as it should; however, while I was looking up statistics involving children, I found numbers involving guns and those over 65. GAG has found that those who are, or could be, grandparents die from guns at a much higher rate than children.
Today I am interested in death by gun; in the future, I will deal with injuries to the youngest and oldest from firearms.
The raw statistics on death from firearms in 2009 speak for themselves:
Accidental discharge of firearms:
Children under 15 48
Old people – over 65 78
Children under 15 64
Old People – over 65 4248
Children under 15 234
Old People – over 65 361
Undetermined Intent:
Children under 15 8
Old People – over 65 23
These deaths are only the youngest and the oldest; not included are the thousands between the ages of 15 and 65.
Suicide by means other than firearms for those over 65 resulted in 1610 deaths; thus, suicide by firearms was almost three times that of all other means combined for old people.
Posted: January 9, 2013 Filed under: GAG (Grandparents Against Guns) Leave a comment »GAG (Grandparents Against Guns) wants to know where the grandparents are?
Are they in Congress?
Are they in the NRA?
Are they in State Government?
Are they in Local Government?
Are they still working for the gun manufacturers?
Are they retired from any of the above?
Are they attending gun shows?
Are they working as armed security guards in schools?
Are they taking classes in how to use automatic weapons?
By definition, they have grandkids.
They vote more than other age groups.
They have money.
They have time.
OODA Loop – For Seniors!
Posted: January 7, 2013 Filed under: geezerAdapts, geezerFinance, geezerHealth Leave a comment »OODA Loop: observe, orient, decide, act.
On Sunday, Thomas Friedman,* in the New York Times, described the airforce training principle for use in arial dogfights. Dogfight? Why does the Geezer immediately think of old age and fellow seniors?
Observe where you are, who you are and what your situation is. A mirror helps. List. Don’t judge at this point; just observe reality, not hopes or fears. Where are you in real time?
Orient yourself using a “senior compass.” Focus on health, economics, family, resources, life expectancy , dementia probabliity, insurance, and any factors unique to you; all the while looking in the mirror. Locate where you are in relation to these factors.
Decide what you are going to do: downsize, move, sell, get a roommate, hospice, long-term care facility. Your decision is based on your observations and orientation; not on what someone else does. The decision should be taken in consultation with your “WingMan.” Test your decision by asking: What happens if I do nothing? Where do I end up?
Act on your decision. You can make adjustments along the way, but you will have a plan thought out; hopefully prior to senility.
Now you are ready for battle; and, old age is a battle. Your goal is to increase the odds of a pleasant and reasonable old age. It will not be perfect, but will be better than “winging it.” Your “OODA Loop needs to be better than the OODA Loop of old age.
You need a wingman!
Posted: January 5, 2013 Filed under: geezerHealth Leave a comment »The Geezer is still young, but increasingly in denial. He will never fall like other old people, but….. Thinking ahead and noting that the towel racks in his bathroom were always loose (wonder why?), the Geezer while still “rational” has installed what he sees as “decorative” towel bars, but which can support 500 pounds.
When he experiences a “senior moment,” he has something to grab. More important, it was his choice; and, not a result of the “none too subtle” remarks from his kids. Besides, grab bars make great towel bars; they don’t come loose and clang to the floor when you are only reaching for a towel.
Good taste dictated not showing the Geezer using the grab bars.
geezerTest: The Geezer tests his balance everyday by putting on his underpants while standing and without support. Do this only if you have a soft place to land. Do not do near hard objects that have sharp corners.
The Stockholm Solution!
Posted: January 3, 2013 Filed under: GAG (Grandparents Against Guns) Leave a comment »
Grandparents Against Guns likes the Stockholm Solution!
I wonder how many assault rifles you would have to melt down to make this!
The Geezer took this photo in Stockholm, Sweden in October 2012.
GAG (Grandparents Against Guns) What is it?
Posted: January 1, 2013 Filed under: GAG (Grandparents Against Guns) Leave a comment »GAG is grass-roots. Nothing more than an idea. It only exists here. It comes from a 72 year-old grandfather in Albuquerque, NM who just took a WordPress course. GAG is not incorporated; does not raise funds; and, has no officers, directors or rules. Maybe we should change that; but, for today, it is just an idea.
It is now your idea; your grassroots moment. It is whatever you make it. It is how you feel as a grandparent each time you look at your grandchildren.
Grandparents exist to protect and guide their grandchildren. No one should stalk them: no one should harm them. Grandparents have nothing to lose; except for their grandchildren, who have everything to lose.
Be a grandparent. No guns near grandchildren.