FEAR is part of growing old.  As my granddaughter said: “Grandma, sometimes you have to face your fears.”  Most fears can be dealt with. Remember: if you have a fear, someone has a way to make money  out of it; and. it will be your money. Most  fears either can’t be avoided or have a simple solution. Be  proactive and accept the fact that you are old. Think about what might cause you trouble. Plan ahead, but let’s face it, most of us won’t.  This blog is devoted to ideas to  make your old age an adventure. I am one of you.

1. Dying

Every medical expert agrees that more than 98% of people die. Some even say 100%. What makes you think you will be different. Enjoy life; there is no percentage in focusing on dying. Whatever belief you have, it’s going to happen. Treat “old age” as a new adventure. Is it really any different than any other stage in life?

2. Falling

Falling is the curse of the old. Keep physically fit,  have grab-bars, use a cane, get rid of clutter, remember you are old and be careful.  Don’t let your ego get in the way of a fall. You may still fall, but the odds will be reduced dramatically.

3. Dementia and Alzheimer’s

The beginning is the worst; you know about it, refuse to admit it and try to cover it up. The end is someone else’s problem. In the meantime do your best to minimize the effects. Exercise, diet, get an ID bracelet or a GPS bracelet. Keep up with the research.

4. Running out of money

Nothing new here. Live beneath your means. You have to be smart to live well if you are poor. The same applies to old age; you need  to be smart to live well while old. You are smarter than you think you are; you just need to apply yourself. There are more deals for old people than you would believe; but, again, your ego may get in your way.

5. Falling or being injured when away from home

Carry a cell phone with three telephone numbers coded in under ICE (In Case of Emergency). Use ICE 1, ICE 2  and ICE 3 in case the first two persons  are not available. Carry ID. Have emergency evacuation insurance. Use a bracelet to indicate any special medical conditions. Don’t stop traveling or going out just because you are afraid.

6. Moving into a long-term care facility

Have long-term care insurance just in case. Think of it as going to college and living in the dorm. Be active. Try and avoid it as long as possible. Be creative. Maybe you could move in with someone else. And, it probably won’t be your choice.

7.  Having no friends or family when you are old

Plan ahead. Go to church. Use senior centers. Make it easy for people to  be around you. Don’t be obnoxious or know it all. Take care of someone. Have a pet. You can meet a lot of people walking a dog; and, besides it’s good for you and the dog.

8.  Pain

It comes with the territory. Exercise, weight loss and diet will probably help.

9. Forgetting

Carry a notebook. Carry a tape recorder. Write on your hand. Reduce daily activities to habit. Have a friend remind you. Post-it notes on the fridge.

10.  Some yet to be determined disease or injury

You are going to get something, you just don’t know what or when, so…… When it happens, make the best of it. Find a support group so at least you know what is going on and can see how others handle it.

These are just a few of the fears that will haunt you while old.  Most of the answers are simplistic and you have heard them before. Prepare for them and forget them. Remember to question everything I say and get expert advice from professionals.  Share your thoughts with us.

The important thing is to think outside the box;

Think outside the box!!!

Think outside the box!!!





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