OODA Loop – For Seniors!

OODA Loop: observe, orient, decide, act.

On Sunday, Thomas Friedman,*  in the New York Times, described  the airforce training principle for use in arial dogfights. Dogfight? Why does the Geezer immediately think of old age and fellow seniors?

Observe where you are, who you are and what your situation is. A mirror helps. List. Don’t  judge at this point; just observe reality, not hopes or fears. Where are you in real time?

Orient yourself using a “senior compass.” Focus on health, economics, family, resources, life expectancy , dementia probabliity, insurance, and any factors unique to you; all the while looking in the mirror. Locate where you are in relation to these factors.

Decide what you are going to do: downsize, move, sell, get a roommate, hospice, long-term care facility. Your decision is based on your observations and orientation; not on what someone else does. The decision should be taken in consultation with your “WingMan.” Test your decision by asking: What happens if I do nothing? Where do I end up?

Act on your decision. You can make adjustments along the way, but you will have a plan thought out; hopefully  prior to senility.

Now you are ready for battle; and, old age is a battle. Your goal is to increase the odds of a pleasant and reasonable old age. It will not be perfect, but will be better than “winging it.” Your “OODA Loop needs to be better than the OODA Loop of old age.

You need a wingman!




The Geezer is still young, but increasingly in denial. He will never fall like other old people, but….. Thinking ahead and noting that the towel racks in his bathroom were always loose (wonder why?), the Geezer while still “rational”  has installed what he sees as “decorative” towel bars, but which can support 500 pounds.

When he experiences a “senior moment,” he has something to grab. More important, it was his choice; and, not a result of the “none too subtle” remarks from his kids. Besides, grab bars make great towel bars; they don’t come loose and clang to the floor when you are only reaching for a towel.

Good taste dictated not showing the Geezer using the grab bars.

geezerTest: The Geezer tests his balance everyday by putting on his underpants while standing and without support.  Do this only if you have a soft place to land.  Do not do near hard objects that have sharp corners.

The Stockholm Solution!


Grandparents Against Guns likes the Stockholm Solution!

I wonder how many assault rifles you would have to melt down to make this!

The Geezer took this photo in Stockholm, Sweden in October 2012.

GAG (Grandparents Against Guns) What is it?

GAG is grass-roots. Nothing more than an idea. It only exists here.  It comes from a 72 year-old grandfather in Albuquerque, NM who just took a WordPress course. GAG is not incorporated; does not raise funds; and, has no officers, directors or rules. Maybe we should change that; but, for today, it is just an idea.

It is now your idea; your grassroots moment. It is whatever you make it. It is how you feel as a grandparent each time you look at  your grandchildren.

Grandparents exist to protect and guide their grandchildren. No one should stalk them: no one should harm them. Grandparents have nothing to lose; except for their grandchildren, who have everything to lose.

Be a grandparent. No guns near grandchildren.

TIME TO GAG (Grandparents Against Guns) CONGRESS!!

I tried to find out how many members of the US House and Senate were grandparents but could not easily locate that data. I did find their ages and most of them are old enough to  qualify as grandparents.

Even if they are not willing to think about the rest of us, they should at least consider their grandchildren.

They should all support GAG (Grandparents Against Guns.)  Write them!


Ancient pistol isolated on whiteAllow possession of guns in existence at the time of  the adoption of the  2nd Amendment to the US Constitution: 1791.

GAG (Grandparents Against Guns)

Not My Grandchild!

Perhaps it is time that those of us who are grandparents take a stand against guns. We can start small and use MADD as an example.

1. No automatic weapons.

2. No weapons in schools or other places with a large number of children,

3. No concealed weapons.

4. All guns registered and licensed. Owners, and those in possession, facing at least the same restrictions as car owners/drivers.

5. Mandatory jail time for anyone caught with an illegal weapon; no exceptions.

6. No illegal weapon “grandfathered in.”

7. Absolute liability of gun owners/users/possessors similar to the liability of an owner/possessor/keeper of a wild animal.

8. All gun owners required to have liability insurance.

Think about it….

About Time!

I  started this blog about 18 months ago; then stopped. Why? I did not take my own advice. I was afraid, at my age, to  do anything new. Now I don’t care. I am going to give you my thoughts, in the best tradition of a tribal elder. And you, you can read them, ignore them, or leave and never return. It makes no difference to me. This will refine my life. If it helps yours, fine. If it is stupid and the mutterings of an old man, so be it. But, at the very least, to me, it is better than sitting in my chair watching TV.