Posted: September 3, 2019 Filed under: geezerLearns, geezerTrips, Uncategorized | Tags: family history, Florida, genealogy, library, old, old people, research, roots, seniors Leave a comment »A library is an old person’s salvation on a vacation, at home or when visiting younger family members who work. It provides books to buy, a cafe for coffee and sandwiches, magazines, free internet access, classes and all sorts of free information. It is frequently open on Sunday and always during the week.
The Largo Public Library is the designated center for genealogical research for Pinellas, County Florida. This is where the Pinellas Genealogy Society meets. There is usually something going on.
Like many genealogical libraries. Largo is a wealth of information.There are free computers, free wi-fi and thousands of books that can be used for genealogical research.
The Pinellas County Genealogical Society meets here and sponsors lectures and help with research. There are always a few members hanging around who are happy to help you.
At the main desk you can buy genealogical forms including a 15 generation form for $2. You can make copies and there is a librarian ready to help you with any problem.
You can buy a USB flash drive for $5 and by paying $1 for a day pass you can access with its infinite source of genealogical information.
The library also subscribes to about a dozen genealogy related magazines that you didn’t even know existed.
Largo is only one example. Many libraries have a genealogy section; usually run by the city or state genealogical society. In Albuquerque it covers the whole second floor of the main library and includes, copiers, thousands of books from every state, newspaper files, computer access and helpful members of the staff and the Albuquerque Genealogical Society.
In other places, Google: library+name of city+genealogy,
So, Google: library+Largo, FL+genealogy and you get:
City of Largo, Florida | Genealogy › City Departments › Largo Public Library
The Largo Public Library has been designated as the center for genealogical research for the Pinellas Public Library
In Albuquerque, New Mexico,
Google: library+Albuquerque, NM and you would get:
The Genealogy Center in the Albuquerque Main Library at 501 Copper, NW is … PO Box 25512, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
You can discover the secrets of your family’s past. You hopefully will discover a number of scandalous stories to tell your friends and grandchildren. You will be more interesting than if you just talk about the last TV show you saw or about how terrible it is to grow old. You will also meet some interesting new (“old”) people.
With your genealogy as a base, you have a focus for new trips, your own living museums where you and your ancestors are the stars. You can visit the asylum where your great-great grandmother spent most of her life. Most old people aren’t really too interesting, and don’t seem to have much purpose. Don’t be one of those. Explore your past.
You can also check out old death certificates and find out what your ancestors died from; hopefully, few of them were shot by jealous spouses.
Posted: March 4, 2016 Filed under: AGING, COPING, geezerFinance, geezerLearns, Uncategorized | Tags: age, aging, driving, elder, elderly, falls, finance, geriatric, Kiss, lifespan, old age, old people, outsourcing, retirement, senior, senior citizen, seniors Leave a comment »
At 75, the geezer found a task he should outsource. –
Outsource is a business term whereby certain activities are contracted out to other businesses or individuals. The reason is that the task can be done cheaper, safer or better by another and it allows the outsourcer to focus on its primary task.
This can be applied to old age. At 75, due to physical and mental problems, it may be cheaper, better and safer to have certain tasks outsourced. It may even turn out to be life-saving if you decide to climb a ladder and clean the leaves out of the gutters instead of hiring it done.
At 75 you need to think about what you can outsource and what you can do yourself.
Ten things that you might consider outsourcing:
- Anything that requires a ladder, a stool or standing on the couch to fix.
- Driving
- Medical advice
- Paying bills – you can outsource with automatic payment plans, an accountant, or a kid.
- Legal advice
- Shopping
- Investing
- Charitable donations
- Repairs
- Care
The list is not complete. You should modify it according to your needs. Old people are stubborn. They think that they are more competent than they are. They think that they can still do things, that they can’t do. The result is that they frequently injure, kill or bankrupt themselves when with a little outsourcing they could continue to live happy, productive lives.
The most important part of outsourcing is KISS. (Keep it simple, stupid.)