Posted: September 30, 2019 Filed under: geezerTrips, SIMPLICITY, Uncategorized | Tags: books, free books, Kindle, libraries, Travel 1 Comment »I don’t carry books on trips any more. There is too much bulk, weight and trouble for a person my age. I want to share alternate reading solutions with you.
Indian Rocks Beach, Florida has a number of free mini libraries. Take one/leave one. I have seen them in other places including Albuquerque, New Mexico and Waynesville, North Carolina.
If a mini-library is not available, consider the following:
- Kindle – I have downloaded thousands of books, including a number of free ones from Amazon to my I-pad or my Kindle. You can also subscribe to magazines.
- Kindle via your library. Your library may allow you to download e-books to your pad or computer for several weeks. You will probably need a library card, but I can download from the Albuquerque Public Library anywhere I can find Wi-Fi. And, no waiting. It is instant gratification. You will need a library card. And, of course, since you are old, don’t forget “large print” books. Especially if it is a popular book with a long waiting list. Usually the “large print” waiting list is much shorter. And, they are easier to read.
- Libraries. Every library has a room where they sell old books and magazines cheap. Usually $1 to $2 for a hardback and a fourth that for paperbacks; frequently best sellers.
- Largo, Florida Library Book Store
4. Senior Centers – You can find donated books for free. An additional advantage is their bulletin boards which tell you about trips, programs, etc. A cheap tour may be available as well as a computer center with an expert. You can also get cheap meals and a 25 cent cup of coffee.
5. YMCA’s – When you finish your Silver Sneakers work-out, you can take a book from their shelves of donated books. You can also leave books there.
6. Foreign Countries – Check out the bars where ex-pats hang out. You will frequently find shelves of take-one/leave-one books; in English.
THINK OLD! READ FOR FREE! Reduce the weight of your suitcase.
LEARNING WHEN OLD – a lesson from the young for the Boy Scout in all of us!
Posted: September 29, 2019 Filed under: AGING, geezerQuests, Uncategorized Leave a comment »
Like many old people, I am interested in learning something new; in my case genealogy, but also hiking and perhaps something totally new like wood carving. Almost every active old person is trying for a new hobby. Painting, pottery, writing a blog, hiking, etc. I have one friend who makes pottery and is good enough that she spent time on a cruise ship teaching pottery to other old people. An interesting and unusual experience.
Community colleges are full of courses that will teach you something. As are senior centers. The problem is that the materials that they use are frequently too complicated, too advanced or too long for old people.
While sitting in the Smithtown Public Library, I got to thinking about this; and, about some sort of handbook for old people. This naturally led me to think about how I learned when I was young. A tremendous influence on me was the Boy Scouts. So I checked the card catalog for the Boy Scout Handbook; it was at another branch. But, I did find the Boy Scout Merit Badge Series.
This was just what I needed. There are 132 of them. I checked the ones on genealogy, hiking, and wood carving. Each provided the basics for the topic selected and a list of resources; not to mention the tools that you need and how to use and care for them. Each provided several hours of interesting reading and was thought-provoking. Thought-provoking is good for the old.
Each provided something that we didn’t have 60 years ago, such as discussing GPS receivers; but, reminding you, that if the battery died, you were back to “navigating the backcountry with traditional tools.” Tradition, I know; GPS is a bit more difficult and dead batteries haunt me all the time, from hearing aids to cell phones.
I may order some; or check out my library at home. Travel should be enlightening, even if you are only in a strange library.
For more information go to: The merit badge pamphlets are $4.99 each. You can probably afford a dozen. While at the site, take a look at the packs, etc. They have a lot more stuff than they did 60 years ago when I was paying 25 cents for a Merit Badge Pamphlet.
My wife is taking painting, so I may have to get her the Painting Merit Badge Pamphlet.
You might also try and get a $4.95 Merit Badge Pamphlet for your Kindle.
You are never too old to learn from the young.
I haven’t seen a Travel Merit Badge pamphlet, but ….
How much medicine do you really need? What does it do for you? A simple idea: go to your pharmacist and ask her to look over all the pills that you take, both prescription and over-the-counter. Ask about interactions and dangers. Then rethink! Rethink with your doctor. I just can’t imagine how you can choose a pill to take, given the thousands in the typical drug store; not to mention on-line pills.
There are 5 tricks to healthy aging. The idea is to live well, not to live long. Your goal should be to live your best life, leave quickly and with as little pain as possible.
- Walk:– I have never seen, or heard of, any scientific study that said walking was bad for you.
- Strength training: Keep your muscle tone. Don’t do it at home, go to a gym, preferably one that takes Silver Sneakers or the YMCA. Just showing up will insure tht you do some exercises; at home it is too easy to skip it. Silver Sneakers and the YMCA are good across the country, so you really have no excuse. If you can’t drive – think it through. There are free services and now Uber and Lyft are everwhere.
- Eat non-processed foods: Follow Michael Pollan: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.
- Simplify: Old age should be simple, not complex. You don’t need a lot and I have yet to see anyone who took anything with them. Downsize now, especially in your closet.
- Blog: You need something to do and you need to know how to use a computer and web sites. By blogging you learn new things, develop eye/hand coordination and are stimulated. It beats painting plaster of paris molds at a hobby center; I think. You need something to do. Anything that challenges your mind, no matter how silly or foolish it may seem to others.
Do you really want to save up for a life in a nursing home? A little planning and exercise will go a long way toward a happy, healthy life. Drop dead at a well-lived old age. Skip the nursing home.
Rethink end-of-life. Probably 99 % of us will die, so unless you suddenly find yourself in the 1%, you have a finite existence. You should make the best of it. I can find nothing positive about living the last few days/months/years as a vegetable, or in pain.
Posted: September 25, 2019 Filed under: geezerFinance, geezerSecurity, Uncategorized | Tags: Finger, security Leave a comment »
Most old people have trouble keeping track of passwords. Even when they write them down, they lose them, or have trouble typing them in to their phones or iPads.
Or, their passwords are so simple or common, that any 10 year old can hack them
There is a simple solution. Use your fingerprint as your password.
I am writing this blog after signing in using my index finger on the sign on button.
I access my Bank of America Account, (“sign in with Touch ID”) not with a password, but with my index finger. I suppose someone could cut off my index finger and access my accounts, but at 79 this is not a major worry.
Some of the newer tablets and phones have facial recognition; but do I want to smile at my iPad to sign in? And, I have a very old face.
There is voice recognition which is what Vanguard uses. I call my broker, repeat a sentence (provided and prerecorded) and have secure access to my account,
I like 2-factor sign-in, or multi-factor authentication, where you get a 6 digit number in an iPhone messages or by e-mail. This is after you have fingered your way across the threshold identification. You add the 6 digit number and you are in.
You should use this for all financial accounts.
I still like my index finger. I may insure it.
Ask your financial institution about multi-factor authentication.
VENUS -A restaurant out of our past today!
Posted: September 23, 2019 Filed under: Florida, Uncategorized | Tags: Florida, poutine, restaurants, Travel Leave a comment »I like a restaurant that reminds me of my past (60 to 70 years ago); and, like most people my age, I prefer non-chain restaurants. In Largo, Florida there is Venus Restaurant. It has been family owned since 1985, is small, and seems to cater to an older neighborhood population.
There are booths, tables and an outdoor seating area where smoking is apparently allowed; at least I could smell cigarette smoke which is unusual; even in Florida. The walls are covered with pictures drawn by grade-school grandchildren, the waitresses are friendly and the parking lot is always crowded.
The food is simple, not processed and reflective of by-gone times. Where else can you find beef liver and onions (small portion) for $7.49 “served with a choice of the following sides: cup of soup, or side salad, potato, vegetable or a pudding dessert.”
They also serve fish, meat-loaf, burgers and pasta; plus an assortment of Greek dishes and pudding for dessert.
Of course, since there are a lot of Canadians who vacation in Indian Rocks Beach, they served their version of poutine, with gravy on the side – no cheese curds:
Venus Restaurant
2441 West Bay Drive
Largo, FL 33770
SALT LAKE CITY – a genealogy adventure for seniors!
Posted: September 22, 2019 Filed under: geezerTrips, Genealogy, Salt Lake City, Uncategorized | Tags: genealogy, Salt Lake City Leave a comment »Salt Lake City, Utah, the home of the Mormon Church, is also the repository of one of the largest genealogy collections in the world. It is not just a collection, but a large and active group of genealogists.
We recently went to Salt Lake City because I have an interest in genealogy and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Family History Library is the place to go. And we had to use up two Southwest Tickets. I had not been there since 1953 (Boy Scout Jamboree in Irvine, California) when we stopped on the way.
My focus was on the Genealogy Center. I am a member of the New Mexico Genealogy Society and like many old people am interested in stories out of my past. For example see: Bertha and Gertrude.
The Center is several stories high with several basements. The main floor provides a hands-on genealogy experience; complete with the latest audio-visual equipment and interactive exhibits. You can track your ancestors.
The main research room consists of hundreds of computers and dozens of Elders who are available to assist you in your research. All you have to do is raise your hand and a knowledgeable Elder is at your side explaining what you need to do. They are genealogy experts.
You can spend all day there.
The library has every thing a genealogist needs; and, they are adding to it every day.
Every day at noon there is a free organ concert; well worth attending.
The rest of Salt Lake City is interesting. We stayed a block from Temple Square in an AirBnB. We could walk everywhere, but there was also a tram.
There was a good restaurant for breakfast in a Church Building; however, no coffee. They directed us to a cafe down the street where we could get coffee to go. By the time I picked it up, my breakfast was ready.
We had dinner at Lyon House; cafeteria style.
- Lyon House
The food is simple and the portions generous. Again, no coffee; and, no alcohol. Eating at non-church restaurants allowed us wine with our meals.
The 3 night trip exceeded our expectations. We arrived in the afternoon, took a $11 Lyft ride to The Kimball a block from Temple Square and settled in.
There are several church related museums.
We watched people line up outside the Temple to get married. There were dozens of groups waiting their turn to go into the Temple; non-church members are not allowed in.
There are genealogy sources in all states at Mormon Churches.
You can find out about your ancestors without exposing yourself, your age, your ignorance, etc. Old People like to find out things anonymously.
What do old people want to know? Five “old” keys to the Salt Lake City trip:
- Ease of getting there and around.
- Cost – Salt Lake City is reasonable and walkable in the downtown area.
- Safety and security. Salt Lake City felt safe and secure.
- Interesting stories to tell when you get home.
- Preparation. Salt Lake City is easy to search and prepare for.
Think Old! Travel Now!
TV REMOTE CONTROLS – Why old people go crazy in vacation rentals!
Posted: September 18, 2019 Filed under: geezerTrips, Out of my comfort zone!, Uncategorized | Tags: clicker, TV remote Leave a comment »After 79 years I have just barely managed to work my TV at home. Now, every time I am in a new vacation rental, I face an impossible learning experience. I have yet to be able to turn on a TV with ease. Why, I am not sure. This week in Indian Rocks Beach, Florida, a favorite place of ours, was the worst.
There are three TV’s in the unit and NINE TV remote devices. Fortunately the master bedroom only has one.
The living room TV has 6 remotes.
The first night, and over the week-end, I could only make the TV in the master bedroom work; and that only by punching several buttons at random. The TV in the living room simply flashed “No Signal” and “35 Animal Planet.”
On Monday I went to the management company and they suggested that I contact the cable provider. They gave me a number.
The cable provider telephone call consisted of a series of messages and suggestions; none of which did any good and ended up suggesting that I unplug the system, wait 20 minutes, and attempt to restart. I did this. Nothing. I then unplugged the system again, waited an hour, restarted the system. Again nothing. So, I turned to drink.
After a few hours, I called the cable provider again, and by carefully punching buttons on my phone, finally got to a live operator. She was very nice. She must have a nice grandfather.
She suggested I punch “source” on my remote. At first I couldn’t find it; but then hiding at the bottom in small type, was a button that said “video source,” right next to the red button that said “light.”
I punched the video source button and got several choices. By sorting through them (it took me a couple minutes to figure out how to go from one to another), I hit on one that turned the TV on. Not clear, but after a while the TV got to the point where could find some familiar channels.
For the next several days, it took several attempts with the remote to get the cable. I never could make it work in the guest bedroom, but….
Even after I managed to start getting the cable channels, I got ads popping up suggesting that I upgrade this or that. There seemed to be no way to get away from them except by powering off and restarting the TV.
The one remote that finally worked has 63 buttons; each with small hard to read (and harder to understand) words.
On a prior trip, but a different condo, all of the clickers were dead. After a couple of days, and calls, we discovered that the batteries were not only dead, but corroded.
The remotes are not labeled. They each control a different tv, vcr, or some other electronic device.
I realize that I am 79; that my grandchildren were not with me; and, that I am not versed in “remotes;” however, I notice that a lot of old people rent condos in Florida during the school year, when things are quieter. You would think that there could be a simple solution.
Old people tend to watch TV. Imagine if my life revolved around Jeopardy? I would go crazy if the remote did not allow me to access that.
I have come up with a simple check list. This should help, not just with tv remotes, but with most of the problems old people have with electronics.
- Don’t wait. Face the problem now.
- Prepare- whoever you contact is going to want information that you don’t have, so get it.
- numbers
- time
- photos on your cell phone
- contacts – owner – manager
- Think it through
- Use your age as a bargaining chip. “I am 79 and need your help.”
- Try everything. Whomever you contact will ask you.
- Be nice.
- Seek help; in person, if possible.
- Finally, call your grandson or granddaughter.
Posted: September 3, 2019 Filed under: geezerLearns, geezerTrips, Uncategorized | Tags: family history, Florida, genealogy, library, old, old people, research, roots, seniors Leave a comment »A library is an old person’s salvation on a vacation, at home or when visiting younger family members who work. It provides books to buy, a cafe for coffee and sandwiches, magazines, free internet access, classes and all sorts of free information. It is frequently open on Sunday and always during the week.
The Largo Public Library is the designated center for genealogical research for Pinellas, County Florida. This is where the Pinellas Genealogy Society meets. There is usually something going on.
Like many genealogical libraries. Largo is a wealth of information.There are free computers, free wi-fi and thousands of books that can be used for genealogical research.
The Pinellas County Genealogical Society meets here and sponsors lectures and help with research. There are always a few members hanging around who are happy to help you.
At the main desk you can buy genealogical forms including a 15 generation form for $2. You can make copies and there is a librarian ready to help you with any problem.
You can buy a USB flash drive for $5 and by paying $1 for a day pass you can access with its infinite source of genealogical information.
The library also subscribes to about a dozen genealogy related magazines that you didn’t even know existed.
Largo is only one example. Many libraries have a genealogy section; usually run by the city or state genealogical society. In Albuquerque it covers the whole second floor of the main library and includes, copiers, thousands of books from every state, newspaper files, computer access and helpful members of the staff and the Albuquerque Genealogical Society.
In other places, Google: library+name of city+genealogy,
So, Google: library+Largo, FL+genealogy and you get:
City of Largo, Florida | Genealogy › City Departments › Largo Public Library
The Largo Public Library has been designated as the center for genealogical research for the Pinellas Public Library
In Albuquerque, New Mexico,
Google: library+Albuquerque, NM and you would get:
The Genealogy Center in the Albuquerque Main Library at 501 Copper, NW is … PO Box 25512, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
You can discover the secrets of your family’s past. You hopefully will discover a number of scandalous stories to tell your friends and grandchildren. You will be more interesting than if you just talk about the last TV show you saw or about how terrible it is to grow old. You will also meet some interesting new (“old”) people.
With your genealogy as a base, you have a focus for new trips, your own living museums where you and your ancestors are the stars. You can visit the asylum where your great-great grandmother spent most of her life. Most old people aren’t really too interesting, and don’t seem to have much purpose. Don’t be one of those. Explore your past.
You can also check out old death certificates and find out what your ancestors died from; hopefully, few of them were shot by jealous spouses.
LIBRARIES – A Necessary Stop On Any geezerTrip!
Posted: September 2, 2019 Filed under: geezerTrips, Uncategorized, With Grandchildren Leave a comment »If you travel, you need to stop at a library wherever you are. Libraries serve senior travelers. This is written from the Main Branch of the Smithtown, NY Public Library. Yesterday, I was at the Huntington Station, NY Public Library.
There is free WiFi. You can sit for hours and write about your trip without being disturbed. And, you can do it from 10 in the morning to 9 at night; and, frequently on Saturdays and Sundays. There are also computers and copying machines. If you have your own i-pad you can access the library WiFi.
There are magazines and comfortable chairs. There are toilets, drinking fountains and parking.
There is local information so you can see what is happening where you are.
At Smithtown Library, pick up a copy of the monthly “Inside Your Library.” For example, in April 2015, I can attend an Estate Planning Seminar, a Seminar on “Affordable Home Buying on Long Island,” yoga, tax prep, numerous book discussion groups, movies, history lectures, a writer’s group, exhibits, and cooking classes. The Cinco de Mayo, South of the Border Cooking class, is today for $5.00 and you get to sample the results.
All the libraries that I have been in have used book sales. Here you can get paperbacks for 50 cents and hardbound books for $1.00. There are also magazines and CD’s. When traveling, you can pick up a half-dozen books, read them and donate them when you are finished.
Most libraries also have genealogical information and ties to the local historical societies. If you want to know who you are and where you came from, check out the library. In Albuquerque Public Library Main Branch, the entire second floor is devoted to genealogy, complete with thousands of books and a dozen computers that you can use for free. You can even access for free within the library. And, the librarians who work the second floor are knowledgeable on researching your ancestors. An added plus is that members of the NM Genealogical Society and The Albuquerque Genealogy Society hang out there and love to help a newcomer find a person in their past.
If you have grandchildren, take a look at what libraries offer for kids. Story telling, classes, etc. If you are going to entertain a five-year old, the library is a great place.
If you travel, and even if you don’t, a library is worth a visit; especially if you want to find out about your past or if you are looking for interesting places to visit in your present.
Finally, old people have problems. They are frequently afraid to seek advice. No one wants to admit to driving problems or the possibility of cancer. A library, especially an out-of-town one, is a good place to check out your problem anonymously. You might attend a seminar on cancer; or hearing problems; or financial planning. Find out. Ask the librarian for books/information on “your problem,” and do a little research where no one knows you.